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Sarah Harmer's long-lost twin? Monday, September 22, 2008

Yesterday I interviewed and photographed Allison Russell and Awna Teixeira of Po' Girl for the next Headliners feature on Northwest CanCon.

After a couple of shows in Seattle last week, Po' Girl were in Portland for the taping of Live Wire!, a cool variety show that runs on OPB here in Oregon—think Garrison Keilor or Stuart MacLean for a less family-oriented (but still FCC-acceptable) audience.

Alli and Awna were great. We squeezed in a few minutes for an interview and photo session on Sunday morning before they headed to Eugene for their next show.

I'd never seen the band before, but when I got home and was looking at the photos, I kept thinking that Awna looked really familiar. It didn't take long for me to figure it out. I clicked over to Sarah Harmer's website and checked the photos ... they can't be the same person, because Sarah was playing a concert at Mt. Nemo (near Burlington, Ont.) Saturday night, but they must be long-lost twins, no? Maybe it's just me.

The funniest thing was that it turns out Awna is good friends with a girl that I knew (a bit) in high school. Small world.

Anyway, be sure to catch Po' Girl on OPB radio Saturday night, or pick up the podcast here. The interview with Po' Girl should be online before then.

(That's not my photo of Sarah, I borrowed it from the lyrics page on her website.)