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Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival Sunday, May 20, 2007

Val Shaull faces a wall of water May 20 after navigating gate 4 on the Carter Falls slalom course at the Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival near Estacada. Shaull finished second in the Inflatable Kayak class.

The 24th annual Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival was held over the past weekend southeast of Estacada. Hundreds of paddlers brought their rafts and kayaks to the Clackamas River to participate in workshops, races, and social interaction with fellow boaters.

The event is organized by the Northwest Rafters Association.

Eli "The Splatmaster" Jamieson braces his inflatable kayak in a slalom race at the 2007 Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival.